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Terms and Conditions

Table of Contents

A. General Terms and Conditions

B. App Terms and Conditions

C. Additional App Terms and Conditions for Caterers

A. General Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 17th Jan, 2024

This section applies to all of Our Services.

A1. General Definitions

A2. Scope

A3. Reliability and Consistency

A4. External Links

A5. Your Obligations and Acceptable Use of Our Services

A6. Security and Viruses

A7. Our Use of Your Data

A8. Intellectual Property and Copyright

A9. Public Liability Insurance

A10. Liability and Indemnity

A11. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

A12. Disclaimer

A13. Miscellaneous

A14. Governance

A15. Registered Office

A1. General Definitions

The following definitions apply to all of the General and App Terms and Conditions.

"App" means the CateredAtHome app or any part thereof.

"Website" means the domain cateredathome.com and all content served under it, including (but not limited to) the App.

"We", "Us" and "Our" refer to CateredAtHome Limited.

"CateredAtHome Parties" means Us and/or any of Our group of companies or organisations, or any third-party partners and affiliates that We do business with in order to administer the Website and/or App.

"Our Services" means the Website, App and/or any other related services that CateredAtHome Parties may provide, whether directly or via third-parties, such as email and telephone communications.

"You" and "Your" refer to the end user of Our Services, and also the business that the end user represents (if applicable).

"Your Data" means any piece or pieces of data and/or information about You or Your activities with Our Services, such as messages, photos and any details you submit via forms.

"Anonymized" means "converted into a non-personally-identifiable form". "Anonymized Data" is a piece of Your Data that has been converted into a form where it cannot be used to identify You personally.

A2. Scope

1. By accessing any part of Our Services, You shall be deemed to have accepted these General Terms and Conditions (in addition to the App Terms and Conditions if you register with the App) in full. If You do not accept this, You must leave this Website and discontinue use of Our Services immediately.

2. These Terms and Conditions shall continue unless and until terminated by You or Us in accordance with the Terms and Conditions.

A3. Reliability and Consistency

1. We strive for the highest standards, and Our professional integrity is of the greatest of importance to Us. However, particularly due to the volatile nature of web services and software, problems can arise. Consequently, delays and interruptions to Our Services, and informational errors and omissions, can occur. We do not accept any liability arising from any such circumstances, and no obligation or responsibility on Our part shall be assumed to guarantee otherwise.

2. Save to the extent required by law, no representations, warranties or terms of any kind are made in respect of Our Services or their contents or parts thereof (including, without limitation, any opinions or comments made). All content included therein have been so made available for guidance only. If You rely on any information given, You do so at Your own risk.

3. Our Services are constantly being updated. As a result, changes are constantly being made. We reserve the right to make changes to Our Services as We see fit, including but not limited to withdrawing them from public availability, and without any notice, compensation or refund.

A4. External Links

1. We may, in Our Services, provide links to other, external websites that We do not have control of. While We will do Our best to make You aware of these, We do not accept any responsibility or liability with respect to the content or reliability of those external websites, and do not necessarily endorse the views expressed within them. Visiting them is done entirely at Your own risk, whether We make You aware of them (and these risks) or not.

A5. Your Obligations and Acceptable Use of Our Services

1. You accept that You are solely responsible for ensuring that Your computer system meets all relevant technical specification necessary to use Our Services and that Your computer system is compatible with Our Services.

2. You agree that You shall not circumvent or attempt to circumvent the security measures in place for any of Our Services, or otherwise to gain or attempt to gain unauthorised access to any of the Services (or any part or parts thereof). Furthermore, when providing Us with Your Data, You agree that You shall not provide anything that is false or misleading and that You shall take all steps possible to ensure that Your Data is complete, true, accurate and up-to-date.

3. You agree not to submit to Our Services anything that is unlawful, illegal, obscene, libellous, unfairly discriminatory, seditious, pornographic, threatening, defamatory, abusive or offensive, or that breaches relevant legislation, law, regulations, guidelines or codes of practice. This also includes, but is not limited to, misuse of trade marks, copyrights and intellectual property of any person, in any jurisdiction. Such submissions shall immediately be deemed to have resulted in the withdrawal of Our permission to use Our Services and additionally, in severe circumstances, referral to a relevant legal enforcement authority.

4. You agree not to use any automated program (including, without limitation, any spider or other web crawler) or scraping technology to access Our Services. Any such use or attempted use of an automated program shall be a misuse of Our Services. Obtaining access to any part of Our Services by means of any such automated programs is strictly unauthorised and may result in deletion of Your account without warning, compensation or refund.

5. You agree not to put unnecessary or excessive load on Our servers, which may include by way of example extensive repeated requests for resources in a short amount of time. Such activities will be regarded as misuse, and steps may be taken including deletion of Your account without any notice, compensation or refund.

6. You agree not to sell or otherwise give away your account to anyone else, and that if we have good reason to believe that this has been done, then we can sanction the account accordingly, including removing the account's ratings and reviews.

7. We reserve the right to remove any of Your Data at Our sole discretion, at any time and for any reason, without being required to give any explanation, if in Our view We have found good cause for doing so.

8. Although You are free to access some areas of this Website without registering Your details with Us, certain areas of this Website (such as an App) are only open to You if You register. By registering with an App, You agree to be bound to that App's additional Terms and Conditions.

9. You agree not to link to any of Our Services without Our express written permission.

10. If You obtain Our express written permission to link to Our Services, You agree to do so only on the condition that You do not and do not attempt to reproduce, misrepresent, alter, pass off as Your own or emulate any of the materials on Our Services, or imply that We endorse You or whatever the link is associated with.

A6. Security and Viruses

1. You are responsible for ensuring that Your Data is free from viruses or any content that may harm Our systems (including, but not limited to, worms, trojans, logic bombs and corrupted or harmful data), and is not intended for malicious purposes or any other purposes that contravene any part or parts of these Terms and Conditions.

2. We will not be liable to You for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or other damage arising from the transmission from Our Services to Your computer systems of viruses, worms, trojans, logic bombs and any other destructive items, however caused. Such damage that We will not be liable to You for includes, but is not limited to, interruption to business, loss of profits, loss of the whole or any part of a program or any data howsoever stored whether stored on a computer system or otherwise.

3. We will co-operate fully with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing Us to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material, misusing Our Services or otherwise purporting to breach the law in contravention of the above two paragraphs. Additionally, in the same circumstances, We reserve the right to delete Your App account(s) with Us without any notice, compensation or refund.

A7. Our Use of Your Data

For more details, see the Privacy Policy.

1. We will use Your Data for the purposes of providing You with the best service We can. These purposes include administering Your account, marketing, improving Our App and issuing communications by phone and/or email, and any other ways that are required in order for Us to provide Our Services to You such as monitoring in-app communications to ensure compliance with the law.

2. We will process and store Your Data in a way that is in accordance with UK data protection legislation. For more details, including Your rights and the control You have over Our use of Your Data, please see the Privacy Policy.

3. We may also need to collect, aggregate and pass to carefully-selected third parties Your Data (including, without limitation, sensitive personal data) to help Us to administer and improve Our Website and App. You consent to Us to use Your Data in all of these ways.

A8. Intellectual Property and Copyright

1. The materials provided by Our Services are protected by and subject to copyright, trademarks, proprietary data/information and source code, design, graphics and intellectual property protections and owned by Us and/or CateredAtHome Parties. By using any of Our Services, You agree to use them in such a way that these rights and properties are respected. No part of Our Services may be published, transmitted, sold, copied, distributed or modified in any way or for any purpose without the express permission in writing of Us or a party authorised by Us.

A9. Public Liability Insurance

1. We strongly recommend that You are covered for public liability claims, before dining events are undertaken.

Some guidance on this is provided on our in-App Q&A page question, "Do I need public liability insurance?".

A10. Liability and Indemnity

1. You agree to be solely liable for any consequences resulting from You entering into communications with another User outside the normal, directly-provided App communications channels, including but not limited to telephone calls and emails.

2. We exclude all liability We may have to You to the fullest extent permitted by law (and whether such liability arises in contract, tort or otherwise) as a result of Your use of any of Our Services.

3. We will accept no responsibility or liability for the use by another User or entity of any data, information or other files that You provide that are forwarded to a User, whether directly or indirectly, through Your use of Our Services, or any part or parts thereof, as a consequence of Your actions.

4. You accept that any of Your Data that is transmitted electronically via Our Services, or any part or parts thereof, or otherwise may be intercepted before reaching its intended destination or accessed by unauthorised third parties and may be exploited unlawfully by such third parties. We will take reasonable steps to prevent such interception of Your Data to and from Our servers. However, You acknowledge and agree that We shall not be held liable for the acts of such third parties and shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special or other damage resulting from third parties' interception of or access to data/information of whatever nature.

5. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions shall exclude Our liability for death or personal injury due to Our negligence or for fraudulent misrepresentation.

6. You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Us, any CateredAtHome Parties, Our affiliates and Our respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from (i) any User Content or other material You provide to Our Services, (ii) Your use of any of the Services, or (iii) Your breach of these Terms and Conditions. We shall provide notice to You promptly of any such claim, suit, or proceeding.

A11. Changes to the Terms and Conditions

1. These Terms and Conditions may from time to time need to be updated. We will take steps to inform You when this happens. However, You must not rely on this, and it is Your responsibility to check whether You have read the latest version. The last updated date can be found at the top of each section on this page. When they are updated, You will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the updated Terms and Conditions before continuing Your use of any of Our Services.

A12. Disclaimer

1. While We will do Our best to ensure that the Your Data is correct, We do not warrant the accuracy and completeness of the material therein.

2. While We make efforts to virus-check files, it is Your responsibility to ensure that any data or files provided to or from Us, whether via the App, via a web form, via email or otherwise, are checked and found free of viruses or other similar defects prior to being loaded (downloaded to Your device) or saved (uploaded to Our servers).

3. While We will do Our best to ensure that Your Data is stored and distributed as safely and securely as possible, no Internet-based app can be guaranteed as being 100% safe. We can not be liable for any such details taken and used by means of hacking or malicious intent on behalf of entities impersonating Caterers or Diners, or such entities misusing Your Data.

4. It is of the utmost importance that You understand that You will be required to use caution, common sense and good awareness of the risks when dealing with persons or entities acting under false pretences. By using Our Services, You agree to all risks and agree that We are not responsible for the acts or omissions of others.

5. The material on Our Services are provided "as is" without any conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind. Accordingly to the maximum extent permitted by law, We provide You with Our Services on the basis that We exclude all representations, warranties, conditions and other terms which but for these Terms and Conditions might have effect in relation to Our Services.

6. We shall not be liable to You for any loss or damage suffered, of any nature whatsoever as a result of Your using of Our Services.

7. In no event shall We be liable to You or any other party nor shall We have any liability for any losses including without limitation, direct or indirect, special, punitive, incidental, reliance, exemplary or consequential damages, loss of profits, regardless of whether or not We have been advised of the possibility of such damages. The limitations of liability and disclaimers in this agreement shall apply regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, warranty, strict liability, negligence or other legal theory, unless specified elsewhere in these Terms and Conditions. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. our liability in such jurisdictions shall be limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

A13. Miscellaneous

1. All headings in these Terms and Conditions are intended for Your convenience only and are not to affect the construction hereof or be taken into consideration in the interpretation hereof.

2. These Terms and Conditions will remain in full force and effect while You are using Our Services. We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to pursue all of Our legal remedies, including but not limited to removal of Your Data from Our Services and immediate deletion of Your Account (whether Subscribed or not), or Your ability to access the App, upon any breach by You of the Terms and Conditions or if We are unable to verify or authenticate Your Data. Even after Your Account is deleted, certain provisions of these Terms and Conditions will remain in effect. We may terminate, suspend or deny You access to Our Services immediately for any reason without incurring any liability whatsoever to You.

3. Failure or neglect by either party to exercise or enforce any right conferred shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such right nor operate so as to bar that exercise or enforcement thereof or of any other right on any later occasion.

4. All communications between You and Us may be recorded by Us for the purposes of staff training. We will warn you if this is the case at the start of such communications.

5. If there’s any mismatch between any of our Terms and Conditions, then the most specific Terms and Conditions will apply. For the avoidance of doubt in this clause, the Additional App Terms and Conditions for Caterers will be considered more specific than the App Terms and Conditions, which in turn will be considered more specific than General Terms and Conditions.

6. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions is held to be invalid, unlawful or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which shall remain in full force and effect.

A14. Governance

1. These Terms and Conditions are governed by, and are to be construed in accordance with, the laws of England and Wales. The Courts of England and Wales will have non-exclusive jurisdiction to deal with any dispute which has arisen or may arise out of, or in connection with, these Terms and Conditions.

A15. Registered Office

CateredAtHome Limited
22 Upper Ground,
South Bank,

Registered in the UK, Companies House Company no: 13468442. VAT no: 123 4567 89T

B. App Terms and Conditions

Last updated: 18th Jan, 2024

This section applies to our CateredAtHome App, and is an extension of the General Terms and Conditions. Caterers must also read and acknowledge the Additional App Terms and Conditions for Caterers.

B1. App Definitions

B2. Third-party Resources

B3. Our Role

B4. Conditions of Registration

B5. Your Use of the App

B6. Payments for Caterer Services

B7. Your Data

B8. Your Use of Our and Others' Data

B9. Posted Content Rules

B10. Termination

B11. Miscellaneous

B1. App Definitions

The following definitions apply to the App Terms and Conditions. They are an extension of the General Definitions.

"Account" means the App account that is created and that you log in to after successful registration.

"Caterer" means any person, company or organisation using the App for the purposes of providing culinary services or any person, company and/or organisation that is passed Your Data provided within the App for the purposes of providing culinary services.

"Diner" means any person using the App to search for and/or book culinary services from Caterers, regardless of whether any such services are actually carried out.

"User" means a Caterer and/or a Diner.

"Posted Content" means content uploaded to Our servers intended for use by others. It may include (but is not limited to) Profile content via the Profile page, notes made against bookings and other correspondence (e.g. via email or telephone).

B2. Third-party Resources

1. We do not make any representation whatsoever about any websites, services or other resources outside Our control that You may come into contact with during Your use of the App. This includes, but is not limited to:

Your use of such resources is solely at Your discretion, and doing so is entirely at Your own risk.

2. It is Your risk responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the suitability of any other party You find in the App that You choose to communicate with and/or pass Your Data to.

B3. Our Role

1. The CateredAtHome App provides a marketplace to connect vendors and consumers. To this end, its role is only to facilitate the two parties for the purposes of their discovery and intercommunication. Any legal or contractual aspects are the responsibility of the User.

2. We are not providing a means of employment for any of Our Customers. You agree that, by using CateredAtHome, You are not entering into a Contract of Employment with Us, and consequently that You are not entitled to any payments from Us for work offered or rendered nor any rights of any kind with regard to employment or employment law.

3. We do not recommend or supply Caterers to Diners, or Diners to Caterers. Any User ratings or comments are purely their own and are not endorsed by Us in any way. It is Your responsibility to ensure that You are in an appropriate position to enter into communications and use or provide services to Caterers or Diners (as applicable), and to ensure compliance with any applicable laws.

4. We act as an agent providing a platform that allows Caterers and Diners to come together, and as such are not responsible for User Content or any issues or disputes that may arise between You and another party in the App. This means, for example, that We are not responsible for the collection of payments from Diners to Caterers, or for guaranteeing the timeliness or quality of catering services rendered. If You have an issue with another User, Your first contact for remedy should be direct with the party concerned and not through Us.

5. We are not a party to any transactions between Caterers and Diners, saving for facilitating those transactions. We are not the seller or supplier of, and We do not endorse, any of the goods or services that are made available, and do not have any of the legal obligations that apply to the buyers or sellers of those goods or services.

6. To the extent that the law permits, you release Us (including Our agents and employees) from all liability arising out of or in connection with any transactions made within the App, whether completed or uncompleted, including any goods or services offered for sale or supply.

B4. Conditions of Registration

1. You must register in order to use the App. To register, You must be aged 16 or over, be (and be based) in the UK, and not previously be suspended or banned by Us for any reason.

2. If you are between age 16 and 18, You must use the App only under appropriate supervision of a parent or guardian, and the parent or guardian in question must abide by these Terms and Conditions at all times.

3. You may only have one Account. You agree that You are responsible for preventing other parties from using Your account (including Your subscription, if any). You must not use any other user's Account.

4. By registering, You agree that You are providing Us with full, true and correct details, that You are solely responsible for keeping Your log-in and other details safe, confidential and private, and that You will not disclose Your log-in details to any other person or entity, except Your supervising parent or guardian if You are under 16 years of age.

5. Once You have created an App account, and by using the App, You will be deemed to have accepted the App Terms and Conditions (in addition to the General Terms and Conditions).

B5. Your Use of the App

1. You may use the App only for lawful purposes relating to the activities of a Caterer or Diner. You must abide by all these General Terms and Conditions and all relevant App-specific Terms and Conditions. Any party using the App for any other activities may be banned from using the App, without notice or entitlement to compensation or refund for any moneys paid by You to Us.

B6. Payments for Caterer Services

1. Advertised and agreed costs of Caterer Services are in pounds sterling.

2. Agreed costs of Caterer Services will be inclusive of all applicable taxes and charges (e.g. VAT and transport costs) unless agreed otherwise between the Diner and Caterer.

3. The guide price (on the Caterer Profile Details page) and the estimated total price (on the Booking Request page) are for guidance only. The final price may be negotiated between the Diner and Caterer. In the case of such price negotiations, the final price must clearly and definitively be agreed between the Diner and Caterer in writing, for example using in-app messaging (the Messages page), and this must be completed before the booking is confirmed. If there are no such price negotiations, then the final agreed price will be the estimated total price.

4. Once the booking status is Confirmed, the last agreed price should be considered final unless both parties agree in writing otherwise.

5. Any and all booking fees, such as deposits and the amount agreed for the booking, must be agreed in writing between the two parties before the booking is accepted. We will not be held responsible for losses or disputes resulting from cancellations, withheld payments or debt collection.

B7. Your Data

For more details about Our use of Your Data, see the Privacy Policy.

1. You must take all steps possible to ensure that the details You provide that are accessible by Us and/or actual or potential Diners or Caterers are as accurate as possible. You agree that, should You fail to do so, We may delete Your Account at Our sole discretion and without warning or compensation. You also agree that, should You become aware of such inaccuracies, then You will take all steps necessary to rectify the inaccuracies in good time, including informing the Caterer directly where appropriate.

2. You are responsible for keeping Your log-in details private and confidential and in a safe and secure place. You must ensure that Your log-in details are not transferred to or misused by any other individual, company or organisation. If You have reason to believe that Your log-in details have been obtained by another party, or that Your App account(s) have been compromised, You must notify Us immediately. We do not accept any liability for any unauthorised or improper use or disclosure of Your log-in details, or any consequences arising from this.

3. We will process and store Your Data (including, without limitation, sensitive personal data) in ways that are required for Us to provide Our services to You. This includes passing Your details on to Caterers or Diners (as applicable) and to Our payment provider for the purposes of processing Your payment details and the payment itself. In particular, you should assume that the details in Your profile are accessible by Caterers, unless stated otherwise.

4. In some cases, We may need to transfer Your Data to parties outside the Economic European Area (EEA). This includes, by way of example, transferring Diner details on to Caterers or companies offering or administering catering who are based in other countries. By using the App, You agree and consent to such transfers.

5. You understand and acknowledge that You have no ownership rights regarding Your Account and that if you delete Your Account, or Your Account is deleted by Us, then Your Data it may be deleted (notwithstanding any legal obligations for Us to keep certain pieces of data/information). The parts of Your Data that are deleted may include Your catering bookings and account settings. Where third parties have copies of Your Data, it is their responsibility to use it in accordance with the General and App Terms and Conditions and any other applicable notices and terms and conditions, and to delete it as soon as it is no longer required and as soon as they are no longer authorised to hold it.

6. We acknowledge that We will act as a Data Controller and Data Processor for the purposes of current data protection legislation and that We will comply with Our legal obligations accordingly when providing access to the App.

7. Any personal details which You provide to Us from which We can identify You are held in accordance with Our Data Protection Registration. You are obliged to have a lawful basis for the transfer of any personal data You provide to Us or vice versa. You agree that You do not object to Us using this data to contact You for the purpose of improving Our Services to You, processing payment(s) and discussing Your Account status, and You confirm that You do not consider any of the above as a breach of any of Your rights under the Telecommunications (Data Protection and Privacy) Regulations 1999.

B8. Your Use of Our and Others' Data

1. You agree that any data or information We provide to You is treated confidentially and used only for the purposes required in Your role as a Caterer or Diner (as applicable). If such data or information are misused, or used in a way that contravenes any of Our legal notices, Terms and Conditions or any governing laws or legislation, We reserve at Our sole discretion the right to terminate Your use of Our App without any notice, compensation or refund.

2. You are not permitted to sell, resell, provide or provide access to any data or information found or provided in the App to any other party or parties, except with express prior written permission from Us.

B9. Posted Content Rules

1. You must take all steps possible to ensure that Your Posted Content is as accurate as possible at all times.

2. Your Posted Content must not discriminate against other Users unfairly, for example on grounds of sex, race, religion or disability.

3. Your Posted Content must entirely be for the sole purpose of advertising Your culinary services (Caterers) or advertising your culinary needs (Diners) as applicable.

4. Where applicable, Your Posted Content may not consist of or contain images, web links or advertising to or for a company or brand other than Your company or a subsidiary of Your company, except where this has been agreed by Us in writing.

5. Your Posted Content may not include content that attempts to, or in effect does, abuse or insult other App Users, Us or the App. You should also be mindful of giving offence.

6. Your Posted Content must not attempt to influence Your position in Diners' search results (Caterers) or Caterers' booking decisions (Diners) in any way that unfairly disadvantages other Users.

7. You must not make unproven or misleading claims, e.g. about your abilities or the health benefits of products and/or services.

8. You hereby grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide licence to use Your Posted Content in connection with the provision of Our Services. You hereby represent and warrant that Your Posted Content will not infringe the rights of any third party and will comply with any content guidelines presented by Us. Please use the Contact Form (see the page footer) to report claims of copyright or trademark infringement, or to report abusive Posted Content.

B10. Termination

1. Diners may delete their account by logging in and choosing "Delete Account" on the Profile → Edit Profile → Settings page. Caterers must instead contact their Customer Services Representative.

2. We may delete Your account and/or deny You access to the App temporarily or permanently, at any time and at Our absolute discretion, without explanation, notification, compensation or refund, if in Our view We have found good cause for doing so.

3. For the purposes of this clause, "good cause" may include (but is not limited to) any of the following:

  1. The event that any of Our terms have been breached by You.
  2. Your failure to pay Us any outstanding amounts within the agreed period of time.
  3. After a significant duration of Your Account's inactivity.
  4. If We become insolvent, cease to trade or go into liquidation.

B11. Miscellaneous

1. Old in-app messages (on the Messages page) will periodically be deleted to save space. We provide no guarantees when this will occur, but aim for 6 months. You should save any messages with important information in them on your computer, e.g. by copying and pasting the message content into a text file.

C. Additional App Terms and Conditions for Caterers

Last updated: 20th June, 2023

This section applies to Our App for Caterers only, and is an extension of the App Terms and Conditions (and General Terms and Conditions).

C1. Caterer Definitions

C2. Your Legal Responsibilities

C3. Account Subscription

C4. Showing and Hiding Your Account

C5. Profile Content Rules

C6. Payments and Fees

C7. Your Handling and Processing of Data

C8. Miscellaneous

C1. Caterer Definitions

A "Subscribed" account is one for which the subscription period that You have successfully paid for has started and not expired, and for which neither You nor Us have deleted Your account. Note that payment is not considered successful until the payment transaction has been completed to Our satisfaction.

The "Account Fees" consist of the total payment required from You in order to obtain a Subscribed account.

"Your Services" are the culinary services that You do and/or intend to provide to Diners through Your use of the App, including (but not limited to) ingredients, food and drink.

A "Visible" account is one that is Subscribed and set as visible via the appropriate setting within the App. A Visible account is advertised, searchable and made available to Diners.

A "Hidden" account is one that is not Subscribed, or one that you have chosen to hide via the appropriate setting within the App. A Hidden account is not advertised, searchable or made available to Diners.

C2. Your Legal Responsibilities

1. This section is not an exhaustive list of Your legal responsibilities.

2. If You provide Your Services regularly (e.g. more than once a month), You must register as a business beforehand (see also the guidance provided in the App's Q&A page question, "Do I need to register as a business?").

3. If You are catering as part of a business, You must keep in force at all times relevant valid public liability insurance cover. This clause supersedes Section A9 clause 1 regarding public liability claims.

4. If You are catering as part of a business, You must abide by all applicable and relevant laws at all times.

5. If You are catering as part of a business, You must have an explicit prior permission of this with said business or organisation before registering on the App.

C3. Account Subscription

1. In order to have a Subscribed account, You must have a legal right to work in the UK and have a valid work permit for presentation to Us on demand (if applicable).

2. After Your Account has been registered, you can subscribe via the Subscription page, which is available within the App on the Profile page. Following the processing of Your successful subscription application, which may include the time it takes to process the Account Fees, it will become a Subscribed and Visible Account.

3. We reserve the right to refuse Your Account subscription if We are not satisfied with the authenticity, accuracy or reliability of any of these documents or checks.

4. Any money We refund You will be paid back to You on the same card that You used to make the original payment, unless We agree otherwise.

5. When Your Account is both Subscribed and Visible, Your public profile details will be made available to Diners. This includes the ability for Diners to contact you, to view Your profile details and to book Your Services.

6. Once Your Account is Subscribed, your subscription will remain active until the end of the last day of Your subscription end date, or until Your Account is disabled permanently or deleted, or until Your Account is banned by Us, whichever comes sooner. The subscription end date is available by logging in to Your Account, going to the Profile page, and clicking/tapping on "Subscription".

7. If Your Account is banned by Us, Your Account Subscription will be terminated with immediate affect. You will not be entitled to any notice or refund or compensation of Fees paid for any reason relating to its having been banned.

8. We reserve the right to perform security checks at any time after You have created Your Account. If We are not satisfied by the results of the security check, or if the security check is delayed, then We reserve the right to delay allowing Your Account to be Visible until such a time as all of Our problems and concerns regarding the security check are resolved. We also reserve the right to contact You for further information for the purposes of satisfying Our security checks.

9. You must agree and understand that, by subscribing, We do not guarantee You will find Diners to engage with regarding Your services. The App is simply a platform that aims to enable You advertise Your Services and make You visible to potential Diners (if any).

C4. Showing and Hiding Your Account

1. Once Your Account is Subscribed, it will be Visible automatically.

2. You can make Your Account Visible or Hidden by logging in to Your Account, going to the Profile page, and then clicking/tapping on "Subscription". There, you will see an option to show or hide your profile.

3. When Your Account is Visible, it will remain visible until the subscription end date or until You choose to hide Your Account, whichever comes first. Similarly, when Your Account is Hidden, it will remain hidden until the end of the subscription end date or until You choose to hide Your Account, whichever comes first.

4. Subscription Fees are payable, continuous and non-refundable independent of whether Your Account is Visible or Hidden. If Your Account is Hidden, then You must continue to pay any and all Fees required for Registration, re-Registration and subscription as applicable. For the duration in which Your Account is Hidden, You will not be entitled to any refund or compensation of Fees paid for any reason relating to its having been Hidden. Your subscription, including any related Fees required to re-subscribe, will be required in order for You to continue Your Account registration, in the same way as if it were Visible.

C5. Profile Content Rules

1. The following section refers to the Profile page, which is available by clicking/tapping on "Profile" in the menu across the top after you have logged in.

2. You must take all steps possible to ensure that Your profile is as accurate as possible at all times.

3. When entering Your profile details, the following rules also apply in regards to their content:

  1. Your details may not contain web links or advertising to or for a company or brand other than Your company or a subsidiary of Your company, except where this has been agreed by Us in writing.
  2. Your details may not include content that attempts to, or in effect does, abuse other Users, Us or the App.
  3. Your details must not attempt to influence their position in Diners' search results unfairly, by any means.

C6. Payments and Fees

1. Our Account Fees are the prices as quoted on the subscription page. They are inclusive of VAT.

2. You agree that, prior to subscribing Your Account, You will pay the full Account Fees via a permitted credit or debit card, unless We have agreed otherwise with You in writing.

3. A receipt for payment of the Account Fees will be sent via email to the email address your provided on the App registration form (i.e. your Account username).

4. You will be responsible for paying the Account Fees for Our Services regardless of whether Our Services are used by You or not. By way of example, if You choose to (a) hide or (b) delete Your Account, You will not be entitled to avoid payment, or be entitled to a full or partial refund, for any Account Fees paid for the duration in which (a) Your Account is hidden or (b) any remaining subscription duration that You have paid for.

5. We do not store Your credit/debit card details Ourselves. Instead, payments and payment details are handled, stored and administrated via a third-party payment provider. Before Your Account can be Subscribed, You will need to pay the Account Fees via Our payment provider, Stripe (external link). Accordingly, You agree to abide by Stripe's Stripe Checkout User Terms of Service, Global Privacy Policy (external links) and any other relevant Stripe terms and conditions that You will be notified of in the payment process, in addition to Our own, separate App Terms and Conditions.

6. All payments will be made in pounds sterling.

7. We do not accept cards requiring 3-D Secure authentication.

C7. Your Handling and Processing of Data

1. You agree to only use a User's data/information for the purposes of processing and facilitating Your Services for that specific User only, and not to pass it on to any other parties without the explicit consent of the relevant User(s).

2. You agree to use Data provided by Us in the App solely for the direct purposes of providing and administrating Your Services.

3. For the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) You acknowledge and accept that You are acting as a Data Processor and a joint Data Controller in connection with any personal data that You obtain as a consequence of using the App. It is Your responsibility to comply with Your obligations as a Data Processor and Data Controller and to satisfy yourself of the legal grounds for processing any personal data. This includes holding Diner data (including their personal details) only for the amount of time required to process, administrate and provide Your Services with/to them, and the requirement that it is deleted promptly thereafter.

4. You acknowledge and accept that it is Your responsibility to comply at all times with the provisions of current data protection legislation.

5. You are not permitted to sell, resell, provide or provide access to any data or information found on the App to any other party or parties, except with Our express prior written permission.

C8. Miscellaneous

1. You must act in Your own capacity and must not impersonate any other person or entity or purport to be representing any such person or entity.

2. You agree to engage fairly and professionally with individuals who may respond to You, and that you do not do anything which may bring Us into disrepute. You will indemnify Us from and against any claim brought by an individual against Us arising from Your breach of this obligation or any of our Terms and Conditions.

3. If You delete Your account, You agree that We will not be liable to provide You with any compensation or refund for any amount paid for the whole or any part or Your Subscription, whether partially or wholly used or not.