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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 22nd June, 2023

Table of Contents

A. Definitions

B. Introduction

C. Who We Are

D. Data We Do Not Collect About You

E. Data We Do Collect About You

F. Why We Collect Your Data

G. Legal Basis Relating to Your Data

H. How and Where We Share and Store Your Data

I. How Long We Keep Your Data

J. How We Keep Your Data Safe

K. Your Rights Relating to the Data We Hold

L. How to Contact Us with Privacy Queries

A. Definitions

"Web Site" or "Site means the domain cateredathome.com and all content served under it.

"App" means the CateredAtHome app or any part thereof.

"We", "Us" and "Our" refer to CateredAtHome Limited.

"CateredAtHome Parties" means any subsidiary, holding company or other legal entity controlled by Us. "Controlled" shall be interpreted as defined in section 416 ('Meaning of "associated company" and "control") of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988. "Subsidiary" and "holding company" shall be interpreted as defined in section 1159 ('Meaning of "Subsidiary" etc') of the Companies Act 2006.

"Our Services" means the Web Site, App and any other related services that CateredAtHome Parties may provide, whether directly or via third parties, such as email and telephone communications.

"You" and "Your" refer to the end user(s) of Our Services.

"Your Data" means any piece or pieces of data or information about You or Your activities with Our Services, including in-app messages and photos.

"Account" means the App account that is created and that you log in to after successful registration.

"Your Account Data" means any piece or pieces of data or information about You or Your activities specifically related to your App Account, or which You provide as part of the Account registration process.

"Anonymized" means "converted into a non-personally-identifiable form". "Anonymized Data" is a piece of Your Data that has been converted into a form where it cannot be used to identify You personally.

"Our Systems" means our server infrastructure (servers and data centres) that We use to store Your Data and to run the software required to provide You with Our Site and App.

B. Introduction

We at CateredAtHome are people too. Privacy is important to Us, as it is to You. We'd like to assure You that We will keep Your Data as safe as possible, and use it only for the specific purposes described in this Privacy Policy. You should also read the Cookies Policy.

This entire Privacy Policy applies to Your use of any or all of Our Services, including any and all communications (e.g. via email and telephone, and via in-app messages).

This Privacy Policy covers the data that We collect about You when You use Our Web Site and App or engage in communications with Us (e.g. via email and telephone), unless a different policy is given at that time stating otherwise.

This Privacy Policy also defines how You can consent or withdraw consent for Us to use Your Data and how You can view and update it.If You do not consent to Us collecting and using Your Data according to this Privacy Policy, You must immediately stop using Our Services, after deleting any App accounts You hold with Us if applicable.

The Privacy Policy may from time to time need to be updated. We will take steps to inform You when this happens. However, You must not rely on this, and it is Your responsibility to check whether You have read the latest version. The last updated date can be found at the top of this page. When it is updated, You will be deemed to have read, understood and accepted the updated Privacy Policy before continuing Your use of any of Our Services (including any and all communications).

C. Who We Are

CateredAtHome Limited, 22 Upper Ground, South Bank, London, SE1 9PD. You can contact Us via the Contact form (link available in the page footer).

For the purposes of compliance with the laws of England and Wales, the registered entity that You are engaging with has assumed the role of Data Controller.

We take data protection seriously, and do Our utmost to comply with the best industry processes and practices to that effect.

D. Data We Do Not Collect About You

We do not intend to collect sensitive personal data about You, such as health or medical data and details regarding Your religious or other beliefs. We do not ask or expect that You will ever send Us such data, in any form (including via in-app messages and user profile details).

We do not store passwords. We only store a cryptographic representation of Your password called a "hash". This hash cannot be reverse-engineered to obtain the password. (This is why, if You forget Your password, We cannot send it to You; instead, You must request a password reset and create a new one.)

Our Services are not to be used by, and We will not knowingly collect data about, individuals under 18 years of age. On discovering that We hold such data, We will take immediate steps to remove it from Our records. This may include the deletion of the account. If You have good reason to believe that a person under 18 years of age has provided Us with their data, please contact Us at the earliest opportunity by contacting customer services or via the Contact form (link available in the page footer).

E. Data We Do Collect About You

When You use Our Services, and when other parties provide it to Us, We will collect, store and use Your Data in the ways described below.

Data You Provide Us via Our Web Site

We collect Your Data on the Web Site, including comments, feedback and other data such as surveys and support channels. We also collect Your Data from forms You fill in on the Web Site, including support forms, the Contact form and in-App registration forms. This data may be in the form of text that You type in, files that You upload any any links or images that You provide.

Data You Provide Us via the App

We collect data that You provide in the App, including Your account and profile details, settings and payment details. This data may include, by way of example, Your name, address, billing information and location. Additionally, any files, links, images and Your Data that You provide via the use of forms within the App are also collected by Us.

Data You Provide Us When You Contact Us

When You contact Us, such as via email, phone or our Contact form, We collect the data You provide to Us. If We have Your App account details, We may also use this data to associate Your enquiry with Your account. This may include contact information, details of Your enquiry and any other supporting documentation, files and information related to Your query.

Data We Collect Automatically

When You use the App, We track certain data, such as:

However, the tracking data we store is Anonymized: Our focus is on user trends in general. We have no interest in recording the habits of individuals.

Our partners and affiliates may collect tracking data for specific purposes required to make Our Services functional and secure. This may be done using device identifiers and web beacons.

We may collect data about the device on which You are using Our Services, including screen size, make and model, operating system, browser, IP address and geographical location, to present Our Services to You in the best way possible. The exact nature and amount of data We collect in this way depends on Your device and how it is configured.

We and our partners and affiliates also collect data stored in cookies. For more information about this, please see Our Cookies Policy (link available in the page footer).

Data We Receive from Other Sources

We may receive Your Data from:

For example, We may be provided with Your payment details by Our payment provider, or We may store in-App messages that were sent to You by other Users.

Data About You We Receive from an Entity Representing You

If You are using Our Services on behalf of a company, organisation or other entity ("Entity"), for example one that You work for, then it is that Entity's responsibility to ensure that the data that they provide and Our Services You opt in to and out of is accurate, appropriate and subject to Your agreement. We are not responsible for the privacy and data security practices of that Entity, and all of Your Data and privacy queries should be directed to that Entity in the first instance.

F. Why We Collect Your Data

There are many reasons why We collect Your Data (see below). All of them focus on giving all Our customers a better experience when they use Our Services.

To Provide Our Services to You

The App requires that We collect Your Data in order to administrate Your App account(s), for example to:

This may include passing Your Data on to third parties.

We may also use Your Data for market research. Wherever possible, we will take care to anonymize Your Data and aggregate it with other people's data, so that you cannot personally be identified by it. However, there are some cases where we need to identify You, for example to target promotions that are relevant to You (subject to Your having opted in to such communications - see "To Communicate Important Messages to You", below).

To Improve Our Services

We use Your Data in order to maintain and improve Our Services, for example to make Our App easier and more intuitive to use and to improve the navigability and usefulness of Our Services.

We also use Your Data in order to tailor what We do to what You want, for example by providing You with Services or features that are more personalised to Your needs.

To Communicate Important Messages to You

We use Your contact data to send communications that You have requested, such as customer services feedback regarding Your queries, password resets and any newsletters that You have subscribed to.

We also use Your contact Information to send important communications, such as issues with Your account or Our Services, details about payment transactions, account expiry warnings, where We have a legal obligation to contact You, and other issues relating to the safety and security of Yourself and Your account(s).

We will use Your contact Information to send other useful communications, such as when booking requests are accepted and when bookings are cancelled, providing that You have opted in to such communications.

We may also use Your contact Information to send You marketing and other communications that We think You might be interested in, providing that You have opted in to such communications. (You can change your opt-in preferences in the App, on the Edit Profile → Settings page. You can also opt out by clicking on the relevant link on any of our marketing emails that we send you.)

In the majority of cases, these communications will be via the email address that You provided as Your App username. However, if We deem it more appropriate, these communications may be via in-App messages, email, post or (for more urgent communications) telephone.

To Communicate With Third Parties

We will also pass Your Data over to third parties for the purposes of checking or processing Your details where We need to do so, such as (where applicable) Your payment card details and corporate details and for security checks and fraud prevention. For example, We may need to:

We may additionally pass more of Your Data on to other parties if You have consented for Us to do so. For example, You may wish for Us to send Your Data to a vendor, company or organisation for the purposes of procuring culinary services, providing payment details or initiating communications for one or more of these purposes.

In the event that We enter into sale, liquidation, merger or receivership, or if Our assets are transferred to a third party, then Your Data will also be transferred to that third party, providing that providing that We need to do so in order to complete the relevant process and providing that You have given Your consent.

For Legal Purposes

We actively monitor in-App messages and photos to ensure that Your and Our activities are conducted lawfully.

We will pass Your Data over to relevant law enforcement authorities for legal purposes if We are required to do so.

We may pass Your Data to other third parties if We believe that doing so is a reasonable act in order to:

G. Legal Basis Relating to Your Data

The data We collect and process is necessary for the furtherance of Our legitimate interests in providing Our Services to You, for example:

We also need Your contact information in cases where, for example:

Where We require the collection and processing of Your Data in order to provide You with Our Services, You can refuse or withdraw Your consent by discontinuing Your use of Our Services, and by contacting customer services to notify Us of Your change of consent.

Where We do not require the collection and processing of Your Data in order to provide You with Our Services, You will be opted out by default. You can opt in upon registration to the relevant App. You can thereafter change Your opt-in and opt-out status at any time by logging in to Your App account and changing Your Data and preferences on the Profile page. However, this will not affect any processing of Your Data that has already occurred.

We carry out periodical and methodical checks to ensure that the data We collect, and the ways We use it, is fair and appropriate. You can request details about these audits by contacting Us via customer services (if You are a registered user), or via the Contact form (link available in the page footer).

H. How and Where We Share and Store Your Data

Most data We collect about You is stored on Our Systems in the Republic of Ireland, via a third party (Amazon Web Services, aka AWS).

If you are registering as a Caterer, we may also use a third-party service provider to perform a background (CRB) check. We will need to send them Your Data as required to perform this function. We will let You know beforehand if We intend to do this,

Details about Your computer are sent to the Google reCAPTCHA service, on some forms and on log-in, in order to protect our Site and App against malicious activities (hacking). For more, please read their Privacy Policy and Terms of Service (external links).

In order to process Your payments, we use a third-party service provider called Stripe, which stores your name, address and payment card details. For more, please read their Privacy Policy (external link).

We may use a third-party customer services agency for handling Our communications with You. In that case, We may provide them with Your Data as required to contact You and process the correspondence.

I. How Long We Keep Your Data

The length of time We keep Your Data for depends on a number of factors, including how long We need it for, whether You choose to delete it from Our Systems and the nature of the data. We will only keep Your Data for as long as We need it, and thereafter it will be deleted from Our Systems as soon as practicable. You should be aware, however, that We may be required by law to retain certain parts of Your Data for longer.

Your Account Data

When You register for an App account, We will retain Your Account Data for the life of Your account. We may also retain some of Your Account Data after Your account is deleted, if required in order to comply with Our legal obligations, for example dispute resolution and to fulfil other legal and contractual requirements.

If You delete Your account, We may also retain some of Your Data in an Anonymized form for the specific purpose of improving Our Services by identifying such things as usage trends and popular/unpopular features. This data may include, for example, data You provide in Your Profile and data that We collect automatically such as Your general geographical location (albeit in an Anonymized form).

Your Non-Account Data

Anything that You disclose to Us outside the App(s) may be retained by Us for their original purposes, but will be deleted after use. For example, if You contacted Us via the Contact form on Our Web Site's home page, then We may retain the data You send to Us (including Your email address) for the purposes of resolving Your query. After Your query has satisfactorily been concluded, We will delete this data. We may, however, retain some of Your Data in an Anonymized form if We think that it can be used to improve Our Services for Our customers' benefit.

Your Marketing Data

If You opted in to marketing emails or newsletters, but then delete Your account(s), then We may retain enough of Your Data to continue sending You these marketing communications. In such a situation, You can opt out by clicking/tapping on the "Unsubscribe" link provided at the bottom of any of such correspondence. If You still have an Account, then you can also opt out of marketing emails by going to Edit Profile → Settings within the App.

J. How We Keep Your Data Safe

We use a number of security measures to ensure that Your Data doesn't end up in the wrong hands. These include virus-checking (to ensure Our systems are not compromised by viruses), Web-based security mechanisms, encryption, passwords/passkeys and firewalls.

Your Data is accessed on a need-to-know basis. Our staff members can only access those parts of Your Data that they need, and it is only accessed when they need it. We have robust procedures and policies in place to ensure that it stays that way.

Please note that no computer system can be guaranteed 100% safe. You should protect Yourself by only providing data You need to use Our Services, and by not providing sensitive data unless it's relevant to normal conduct on our site or in our App. On Our part, we do not store Your password, and Your payment card details are stored only by a third-party financial provider that we trust.

K. Your Rights Relating to the Data We Hold

You have a right to:

L. How to Contact Us with Privacy Queries

Please use the Contact form (link available at the bottom of the page).